The group is currently setting up various components of an EELS system
in the laboratory. The system consists of three m-metal
chambers, independently pumped by turbomolecular pumps and cryopumps, connected
by the use of valves. The main chamber is equipped with an ARUPS10 hemispherical
electron analyser and a UVL-HI Helium discharge lamp, manufactured by
VG Scientific. The analyser is situated on a two axis goniometer and
is capable of almost a full 360° rotation in the horizontal plane and
more than 90° out of the horizontal. It offers an angular resolution
in the range of 0.2-2.0° in an energy range of 0.5-2.5 keV. The helium
lamp provides two main energy lines at 21.2 eV and 40.8 eV. Another available
excitation source is an Electron Monochromator Unit, EMU50, manufactured
by VG Microtech. Sample manipulation is done with an Omniax manipulator
capable of three translational and one rotational degrees of freedom, fitted
with a Janis cryostat of
temperature range 4-325 K. The prep chamber is equipped with a heater,
an argon ion sputter gun and a wobblestick for in-situ sample cleavage
and preparation.
