A. Damascelli
Loss of Quasiparticle integrity in underdoped cuprates.
A. Damascelli
In-situ Doping Control of the Surface of High-Tc Cuprates.
A. Damascelli
The Quantum Materials Spectroscopy Center at CLS.
A. Damascelli
Quasiparticle Anisotropy Reversal in Overdoped Cuprates.
A. Damascelli
ARPES on Tl2201: the Electronic Structure of Overdoped Cuprates.
A. Damascelli
Study of Many-body Quantum Phenomena in Ru-oxides by ARPES.
A. Damascelli
The Electronic Structure of Complex Systems by State-of-the-Art ARPES.
A. Damascelli
State-of-the-Art ARPES: K-Space Microscopy of Sr2RuO4 and Bi2212.