The frontier of modern solid state physics
lies in understanding the electronic properties of those complex systems
in which the valence electrons self-organize into novel ground states substantially
different from those of conventional metals and insulators. Strong electron-electron
correlations, in concert with electron-phonon interactions, can give rise
to a large variety of fascinating phenomena, the most spectacular being
probably Mott-Hubbard insulating behaviour, unconventional and high-temperature
superconductivity, and colossal magneto-resistance. In addition, by lowering
the system dimensions (from 3D bulk, over 2D thin films, to 1D nanostructures)
the physical properties can change dramatically, which could lead to new
concepts, materials, and technological advances.
On the fundamental side, the aim is to understand
the underlying microscopic mechanisms responsible for the physical properties
of these systems. On the more applied side, the goal is to learn how to
actively control those mechanisms and to define alternative pathways for
the design of new materials and functional devices. In this context, in
addition to the more traditional work performed on high-quality single
crystals, the growth of thin films on crystalline substrates and the fabrication
of molecular nanostructures, with molecular beam epitaxy methods and/or
atomic manipulation techniques, will provide exciting and qualitatively
new research opportunities. In fact, these methods will allow the production
of systems that can not be obtained through the more conventional synthesis
To address the appropriateness of the current
approaches in the quantum theory of solids and for the development of suitable
microscopic models, it is necessary to investigate the elementary excitations
of these novel complex systems, as they reflect the interplay between the
low-energy degrees of freedom and determine macroscopic physical properties
such as electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and specific heat.
The research activity of the group will then focus on the study of novel
complex systems by ARPES and other electron spectroscopy techniques. Specific
research projects will include:
1. Orbital
excitations in orbital-ordered ferromagnets
2. Magnetic fluctuations and p-wave
superconductivity in Ca2-xSrxRuO4
3. Nanoscale phase separation
and chemical disorder in the high-Tc superconductors
4. Challenging the Mystery of
High-Tc Superconductivity: ARPES on Tl2Ba2CuO6+d
5. TM-Oxide nanostructures: novel
magnets, nanowires, and metal-insulator transition